katie hill red state

Rep. Katie Hill is lucky Red State got a hold of her ‘throuple’ nude photos. By Jim Hayek October 19, 2019. Politicians are targeted regularly for extortion. It’s much more common than most Americans realize and has only spiked in the MeToo era as both real victims of sexual misconduct and those making false claims in hopes of a payday What actually mattered in the Katie Hill scandal — and what didn’t. Last week, the Daily Mail and conservative blog Red State published stories about Hill’s sex life. The gist: While the UH OH: Another day, another RedState scoop on Katie Hill Posted at 6:42 am on October 24, 2019 by Greg P.

11/19/2019 admin 31 Views democrat, ethics, former, GMA, good morning america 2019, hill, house, House Ethics Committee, investigation, Katie, katie hill fights back, katie hill leaked, katie hill photo, katie hill pictures, katie hill red state, katie hill redstate, katie hill video, Mary Bruce, relationship, rep katie hill, resignation, scandal All of Jennifer Van Laar’s reporting on Katie Hill is listed at the bottom of this article. Freshman Rep. Katie Hill (D-CA), Vice Chair of the House Committee on Oversight and Reform, shared with Elle in a June 2019 interview a quote from the late Rep. Elijah Cummings, Chairman of the Committee “that has stuck with her.”. In one of those first meetings, Hill says, Cummings said something Random Thoughts on Rep. Katie Hill and Her Throuple. Some questions need to be answered about Katie Hill and her Thrupple.

Check out my other posts here on Red State and my podcast Bourbon On The Rocks plus like Bourbon On The Rocks on Facebook and follow me on the twitters at IRISHDUKE2 Rep. Katie Hill, a first-term Democrat from California, has announced her resignation after being accused of having sexual relationships with staffers The story is a complicated one. The This is not how Rep. Katie Hill (D-Calif.) hoped her freshman year was going to go. The 32-year-old flipped a red district to get elected to Congress in 2018, and was named vice-chair of the This June 2018 photo provided by the Katie Hill Campaign shows Katie Hill on her ranch in Agua Dulce, Calif. Hill running as a Democrat wants to advance her party’s plans to take control of the House by replacing Rep. Steve Knight, who’s seeking a third term in what’s become a lonely GOP outpost , the last Republican-held House seat in strongly Democratic Los Angeles County.

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